
Gary Marcus: We’re suffering through the Napster era of AI
The author of the new book “Taming Silicon Valley” says tech companies should compensate artists, writers, publishers and other creators who are being ripped off to fuel the AI economy.
Are you using generative AI in your personal life and work?
No, I don’t like it. I think it’s good for brainstorming, but I’ve been doing what I’m doing for so long, I don’t really need the help. It’s good for coding, but I’m not coding right now. Most of the other applications are really riddled with problems. I would never write with it. Fundamentally, I don’t trust it …

Workshop Report: Decoding Communication in Nonhuman Species II
Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
Three years ago, in August 2020, the Simons Institute co-hosted a workshop on Decoding Communication in Nonhuman Species. Looking back at the titles of the talks, none used the AI buzzwords that have become household terms in the course of the last several months: ChatGPT, large language models, generative AI, chatbots. This past June, the Institute co-hosted a follow-up workshop, Decoding Communication in Nonhuman Species II …
Controlled hallucination
Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
This is an 18 minute film about the computational aspects of vision that I had the honor to write and direct. Neuroscientist Bruno Olshausen from UC Berkeley tells us that the eye is not a camera and the brain is not a hard drive – and how Bayes’ theorem can help us understand optical illusions.